Saturday, December 10, 2011

USB Pen Drive does not power off in Windows 7

Isn't it annoying the USB Pen Drive power still on after you ejected the usb device successfully in Windows 7? This doesn't happen on Windows XP or Windows 2003. The USB drives are still drawing power from the laptop or desktop.

This is work as design according to Microsoft Engineer known as SoftRemoval in Windows 7. The USB device is marked for removal but NOT disabled in Windows 7. When a USB hub is disabled, no further traffic is sent to the device.

Windows XP disabled the USB device when it's ejected. This powers down the USB port hub and the device.

Resolution (Windows 7):
1) Modify window registry (using regedit) to disabled all USB devices on eject
2) Modify windows registry to disabled usb hub port per device basis.

Instructions could be found on Microsoft KB 2401954.

Easy Steps:

I have followed the instructions above and power off all USB devices globally on my Windows 7. As the task includes using registry editor (regdit), it is only recommended for Advance user or if you know what you are doing.

 Figure 1.0 Added registry entry to shut down USB globally upon successful device eject

I have made things easier by creating the registry script below. So just run the registry file and off you go.

1) Download the registry script to a folder.

2) Rename the file from GlobalUsbDisabled.reg1 to GlobalUsbDisabled.reg. The reason is some antivirus might block file with extension reg.

3) Double click on the file and click ok to proceed. You should see the effect after next restart.