Monday, November 29, 2010

Ninject 2 MVC Extension binary download

MVC Unit Testing
I have been checking out how to unit test MVC2 web app. Found Ninject. 

Ninject is a dependency injection framework like RhinoMock, Moq. It enables you to unit test your code by injecting mock object at run-time. Nice feature as it is light-weight and no xml dependencies writing.

Git-ting Ninject is a pain
Navigated to Ninject MVC Extension source file on github using browser window. You should see a bunch of source code folders. Navigate into mvc2. 

You have to use the git client to download, compile  the web.mvc library. Not good. Me no like git-ting.

I gave up on the git-ting task after sometimes. Then I found out binaries could be downloaded from github TeamCity build server. Hurray!! No build!! :)

Where to download the binaries?
Click on this link Ninject web mvc2  and login as guest. Click on the artifact link and you should see the binaries. 

Unzip and reference the Ninject.dll and Ninject.Web.Mvc.dll in visual studio. Voila! You are ready to Ninject.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Windows 7 - Play more

Windows 7 new features

  1. Problem Steps Recorder. This app records your screen actions. Type psr in Run command textbox. This is particularly useful for support to troubleshoot window issue
  2. Attache vhd. Type diskmgmt.msc. Click on Action -> Attach VHD.
  3. Switch display. [Window] key + P.
  4. Calibrate display. Type dccw.
  5. Virtual WI-FI. Turn your computer into a virtual router. Download it from
  6. Resource Monitor. Type resmon. This is equivalent to WinXP Task Manager.
  7. Activate God mode. All control panel settings in 1 place. Create a folder and rename the folder to .{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}. i.e. GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}.
  8. Show Minimize, Maximize menu on running application. Press Ctrl+shift right-click on running application bar (bottom of the screen).
  9. Navigate over task bar. [Window] key +T to rotate task bar apps.
  10. Use 3M Note. Type StikyNot.exe.
  11. Run as different user. Hold down Shift, right-click on shortcut. you will see Run as different user menu.
  12. Open jumplist. Hold left mouse button on Task Bar and drag upwards.